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AT The Bus awarded Outset Impact Grant

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded an Impact Grant of £25,000 from Outset, a contemporary arts charity, as part of their Outset Partners Grants Programme. It is a grant that will have a transformative effect and we are enormously grateful for their generosity and proud to partner with them.

The grant will fund our work at a school in Oxford which we hope will create an enduring impact, leaving a lasting legacy of art as the basis for transformation, both locally and strategically.

At a local, pilot level, Outset will be contributing very significantly to integrate art into a school, transforming outcomes for children and the community as a whole. At a strategic level, Outset will be helping to develop a blueprint for an art-based, whole school approach for school improvement that can be applied elsewhere in future. This will be real systemic change – truly revolutionising the place of art in the education system.

Engagement with art creates ripples that spread from the artist outwards, like ink in water. For the school the ripples will: • help students engage with the wider world • spread engagement with art and what it can offer to the wider community • forge strong relationships with local museums, libraries and art galleries And this positive ripple effect could be replicated for many other schools across the UK.

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